Hey baby

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Hey baby

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 18:15:33

how's your day so far? I hope it is good!!!

Hey, how likely is it for your schedule to change throughout the month, as in added OT to what your schedule shows now?
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Re: Hey baby

Postby madd74 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 20:02:56

It is difficult to say. We have commitments in some areas going to 12-10 due to the weather. They have not cancelled OT as of now, however, they have been moving humans over to screening, so, there is a possibility the worst of it is over. This OT would not have happened had it not been for the massive storms in AZ, NM, WA, OR. So, it depends on the call volume due to weather.
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Re: Hey baby

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 21:29:44

I didn't really mean OT getting cancelled as much as I meant having OT added to the schedule where it doesn't show now...

yeah - I saw the storms in WA & OR on the news - pretty wicked. Where the rivers flowed over the highways you could see salmon swimming across the road!
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Re: Hey baby

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Dec 05, 2007 21:34:35

who is the Ice Queen???
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Re: Hey baby

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 18:55:02

hey - you never answered me!!!

I hope your day is going well - I am just so glad to be home!!! I already dread having to get out there again in less than 12 hours to go to work again. At least by the time I am off tomorrow the roads will be much better.

Anything in particular you would like to see done tonight? Or as long as I do *something* it doesn't matter?

I would also like to point out that I stopped my car at the door of the garage, knocked off the clumps of snow/ice and brushed snow off the front, pulled in until I was barely all the way in, knocked off the clumps of snow/ice and brushed snow off the back, then pulled in and parked. SO - whatever melty and wetness there is in there is not there due to a lack of effort on my part!
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Re: Hey baby

Postby madd74 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 18:58:54

I did

Yeah, cleaning is nice, even though, I am running low on underthings. That would really be nice. That child gate kicks arse now that I know how to use it. Jarin likes to turn around and kangaroo kick it lots.

I am going to shovel the drive when I get home. I apologize, my ice efforts earlier appear to have been in vein.

Your efforts are greatly thanked. Next time I think about killing you as you sleep, I shall take that into consideration. I shall (hopefully) be working on the board a little later. If you attempt to log on at some time, and see nothing but white, let me know some time, however, keep in mind it means I did something and I am aware of it.
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Re: Hey baby

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 19:08:05

well could you refresh my memory? Who is it?

I can do some laundry - I could stand to have more clean clothes, too. So could Jarin. Perhaps I will just focus on that tonight.

That is funny because I was thinking that after Jarin went to bed I would shovel some. It is ok about the ice - I wasn't sure the salt would help with the snow building up on it. Thank you anyway. The sidewalk was snow-blowed already when I got home. I really have to find out who it is and get them a thank you card.

I appreciate you not only not killing me in my sleep, but even cuddling me sometimes.
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Re: Hey baby

Postby madd74 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 19:14:52


i was going to ask if you wanted to start work on snow, but laundry is more important to me at this moment as socks are low, and underwear is down to one i believe. if you start to work on the drive/sidewalk, i will finish anything you do not complete

i cuddled you some last night! damn you are demanding :D
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Re: Hey baby

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 19:43:41

friend WHO? what is her NAME??? work friend? college friend? old girlfriend? come on!!!

I will be sure to get your underwear and socks taken care of, and whatever else I can. And I might still go start the driveway. The sidewalk is already done - don't you listen?!! Geesh! :p

I know you cuddled me last night! I passed out quickly, but I remember you kissed me and put your arm over me.

oh - and forgot to tell you last post - baby gate = awesome, genius idea!
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