Great Gig in the Sea

For all that is, and ever will be Pink Floyd. One of my top two loves in existance is Pink Floyd, thus they get a special place in my electronic world. Please note that other music can be chatted about here, but only in relation to Pink Floyd.

Great Gig in the Sea

Postby madd74 » Wed Aug 13, 2008 20:51:16

I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: Great Gig in the Sea

Postby monkeybone » Wed Aug 13, 2008 21:04:16

there are some things that one doesn't do and certain artists that one doesn't cover.

i could make a list but that doesn't matter here because the unthinkable has been done.

{sigh} too
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Re: Great Gig in the Sea

Postby madd74 » Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:38:07

You think this is a bad thing? :) I have seen Think Floyd play twice, and it has always been an extremely enjoyable show. I was sighing because I am not going to get to go :)
I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: Great Gig in the Sea

Postby monkeybone » Thu Aug 21, 2008 21:12:11

you know, you got me here. not that you meant to - but in that i have mixed feelings about this.

i like to think that i am firm in my thoughts that some music should just not be 'covered'. on the other hand, *I* could be one of those women who sing back-up - and i'd do it well. i'd feel like i was on top of the world for getting to sing such masterpieces, just as i have when i've sung other composer's works (usually classical)

i guess it boils down to me not wanting to see others perform it because i'd rather be doing that myself.

make sense?
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Os de Singe
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