12-12: Dog and Jarin

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12-12: Dog and Jarin

Postby madd74 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 14:48:17

Feed your dog. Maybe take him out and let him play or something, i bet he would like that, if even for a minute or two. Do you have plans for Jarin? Because as of right now, I also am not sure what to do with him, not only Friday, but next week, for the days that he is not around to watch him. As my backup plan, I am going to ask around for people to temp take care of him. I am not sure where I am going to start, I will see what Gem is busy doing, and anyone else I think is not working at that time frame. For this Friday, I am going to put in an email to see if anyone can pick up OT.

Also, please think of the best time to get the dog fixed. I do not remember, I think we said a Friday would work best with you dropping him off and then picking him up. I do not remember how that conversation went. He is overdue, though, and it is important it is done.

As noted, cleaning would be nice. We are getting close to 12/25. We all know how you are. :p I have been picking things up, but things seemed to get messed up shortly after :/ Crazy.

Thank you dear.
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Re: 12-12: Dog and Jarin

Postby madd74 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 15:17:58

Oh, could you have Wendy keep an eye out for my pointer? I think that I may have left it there (for my phone), as I found out the spare I have at work is not to my phone, it is to something else. Thanks again, dear.
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Re: 12-12: Dog and Jarin

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 18:00:30

I fed dog this morning before work, and will again later tonight. And I do not recall saying Fridays would be better, unless it was because I am off early Fridays - the issue is taking him there, as I am supposed to be to work by 7, and even if I change my schedule to 8 most vets do not open until 7 or 8 so it may still be an issue getting to work. I am sorry, but it may have to wait until after the end of the year, as it is crunch-time and we are in dire trouble at work (will explain that in a different post).

I was going to suggest Jenny, also - even for this Friday if she would want. I would pay her, as I would be paying Val anyways. So if she would be willing - we need Mondays, Tuesdays, & occasional Fridays. That's it. Do you want to give her a call or text tonight and see what she thinks? Be sure she knows it is for 2-3 hours AT MOST (usually one hour when you do not have OT) & we will be paying her.
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Re: 12-12: Dog and Jarin

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 18:45:02

AAAHH - how coule I forget?!! Jarin waved bye-bye today! I usually wave his hand and say byebye when we leave Val's, and after I did that today he did it himself!!! HAHA it was cute :)
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