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Postby madd74 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 17:49:32

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all better?
by cmplxty7 on 07/11/16 23:34:01 0 Replies Last post by cmplxty7 on
07/11/16 23:34:01

I clicked on this post, and I got a strange error. I clicked on the unread icon, and it jumped (ironically) to the support thread, last done by dITZ, about the database error. I deleted this since I was not able to get to it, nor fix the problem. I also farted, and it smells like death.
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 18:23:39

well, I have no idea what that was about, so.....

stop polluting!!! Actually...get it all out before coming home!!!

New house is on tonight. Apparently last night was a "special showing"? Beats me.
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 18:30:06

also, why is the CBR group calling you??? Knowing you as well as I do, they should not be calling you! Unless they've tracked down a connection between you & I (address) and are trying to reach ME. Is the house number listed publicly with this address? Because then it would make sense that they would be trying to reach me. But it does not make sense that they may be trying to reach you. What's up with that?

Which also brings me to...does this damn phone have to be on the main floor if I can't ever answer it when it rings? Pretty much it is your own personal line that I have to listen to ring all the time. And I think that if I live here, and it is a land-line, and I have to hear it ringing, then I should be able to answer it. I tried to turn the volume/ringer off, but can't :mad:
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man you are such a bitch!

Postby madd74 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 18:43:06

I researched the number in question on the net... it appears they call people a lot. I am not sure if it is related to you or not. The phone was upstairs because I was attempting to do osmething with my bank card, and simply did not take it back downstairs to the charger. So, there is your solution to the problem :p
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 20:19:17

what was the number? was it a (319) number? That is one of the ones that calls me several times a day. Which I do not understand if that is it because CBE is a "reputable" collection agency (quotes just because are any of them really reputable?) and that (319) number has several complaints online for illegitimate calls. hmmm...

House is good so far (18 minutes in) - I think you will enjoy it :)
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Re: Not?

Postby madd74 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 20:22:18

actually it is a 515 number... called me twice so far today... someone by the name of "wendy" answers, so i hear, and tells you to press 1 to talk to someone
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 21:05:57

ummm - I think you should call them and find out what is going on. Be sure nobody has anything out there in your name...just in case.

I have decided I prefer watching House on dtv as opposed to digital HDTV - the sound over the air SUCKS and I miss half of it anyway! It's retarded. Pretty good show tonight, though.
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Re: Not?

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 15:46:57

By now you should know this is not the case... and the number information I got I researched on the web... many people complain about this place that calls, I am not concerned.
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 16:54:23

I am just saying, the caller ID showed that it was CBE Group, and that is an Iowa collection agency - they are one of our main competitors at work, actually (for the bad debt department, anyway). It can't hurt to look into it to be sure, instead of ignoring it and possibly having an unexpected surprise on your next credit report. :|

Besides that, did you get any response on your application at work???
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Re: Not?

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 18:58:18

Okay, well, I do not see name I see number. So if you have a suggestion to check this out then I will look into it.

No, when I do, I will update you.
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 19:09:22

ok and ok.

dog has been taken out & given food & fresh water. He wasted no time peeing and was extremely anxious to get back inside! I don't know if I've seen him so ready to get into his kennel!

Hope your day is going well!
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Re: Not?

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 19:12:18

That is odd... I have not ever seen him that way, and he was not that way when I put him in. I almost forgot, it might be a good idea to start putting him on a leash when we take him out. This, possibly, may help in getting him to pay better attention to us. I did so earlier, and forgot to mention it to you as a suggestion. It is hanging in his room.

It is going fine, as expected, lot-o-humans declared senior skip day. So we are busy ass (or were, i am doing jep now).
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 19:18:50

Yeah - I saw the leash after I brought him in #-o Perhaps since he had a while to bask in the warmth of the house, then went back out to the freezing cold to potty, he appreciates the warmth of the kennel :)

Wow - don't you guys have a policy that if you call in the day before/after a holiday you do not get paid for it? Most places have that policy, but I guess I never know with Qwest with the union and all. All of our people were present and accounted for - probably helps that we are given the day after off.

And I know you are having a decent evening if you are doing jep now :D

ugh - Jarin just started up about something, so I am going to be playing wiht him a while now - talk more with you soon :kiss:
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Re: Not?

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 19:28:09

I suggest a bath for Jarin tonight. For the love of whoever is listening, I would so enjoy not being woke up to a crying baby at 3 in the morning. A bath might help, especially since I know how you get about the presentation of our baby to others... not to mention, his hair is even getting too much for me :D

No, the only polocy we have, includes a few holidays that give extra pay if you show up the day before. However, I think Christmas is the only one along with New Years (day before).

Eh, jep can be more stressful. It was rather intense last night towards the end.
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Re: Not?

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Nov 27, 2007 18:11:11

did you ever look into that call? Have they called anymore?

How is your day at work so far? We are doing well, I think. I just took more ibuprofen, after having oatmeal for dinner. Jarin is napping. Perhaps I will feed him food with rice cereal, then give bath, then bottle, then bed...and maybe that will help get a full night's sleep!

I cannot believe how much better I feel today than yesterday - and I really think all that sleep did me good! I am almost looking forward to cleaning up some tonight! Weird, huh?
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