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Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 15:57:02

The money for Val is in my back pocket. My PSP, I believe, is on the counter, and I am not 100% sure where my badge is, but I imagine it is hanging on the door. During my lunch, I am going to rush home to pick up the PSP and badge. I would greatly appreciate if you would put the PSP and badge between the door and screen door of the garage, so I can zip in and out to get it, thank you much.
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Re: arg

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 16:00:55

p.s. I am dying for some finger nail clippers, if you happen to see them, I think they are in the family room, or maybe the counter or something. You may not be able to find those, and if so, no big deal, thanks again
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Re: arg

Postby cmplxty7 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 16:47:35

the clippers are on the kitchen counter by the psp. are you sure you want to come all the way home on lunch?
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Re: arg

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 16:52:50

Yes, it is very important to me to have my PSP. My badge is just a bonus, and the clippers are not as important now that I was able to borrow some here at work.
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Re: arg

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 16:56:11

narg shit, and I also forgot to record Daily Report, if you would be so kind to get that, thank you yet more.
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Re: arg

Postby cmplxty7 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 17:03:33

well, dear - I think you missed the intent of my question, as I know it is important for you to have your psp. there was supposed to be a slight implication that it could be brought to you, or even meet you somewhere closer to where you are. although listening to the wind, i do not particularly want to take Jarin back out...but I could.

also - this dtv box SUCKS - it needs reset AGAIN!!! what is the deal?
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Re: arg

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 17:09:21

I am not sure what the deal is with the box... I am really hoping that they really upgrade their services closer to Tivo soon, or I may be switching and paying a little more for more features and such.

I know where you were going with it, hon, however there has been more than one time where it has been made known your feelings, at some point, of preparing Jarin and coming out to see me. So since I should be able to make it there and back under 30 min, I will just do that.
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Re: arg

Postby cmplxty7 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 17:19:36

ok. I will have all your stuff ready.
it is a hassle to get Jarin all put together and stuff, but I do like being able to see you once in a while, and I do hate to think you are going hungry.

Thank you for setting out the meat - though it was the wrong meat :) I didn't even realize we had that stuff still in there - it is OLD. I will put the meat I planned on cooking in the fridge so it should be thawed for tomorrow night.

Also, the Daily Report was already set to probably set a bunch well-ahead, or else you set it last Friday or Thursday or something. Either way, it is set (as is Big Bang).
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Re: arg

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 17:34:03

Strange, I did not see any other meat off the bat :/ Was that the bad shit I was going to throw away some time ago?? Oh dear word, good thing trash day is coming up.

As noted at some point prior, I am very familiar with what it takes to get Jarin ready by one's self, so it has always been known that it takes some time. So I know it could be a hassle. This is the reason why I stated to just have my stuff at the inside garage door, since I had left it there (among forgetting about everything else today). At times I had asked because I know it is one of the few times to get to see me and stuff... still, after the argument where it was yet again brought up, I am just going to stop asking for you to bring me things to work. I have problems dealing with that.

Hmm... I did not realize I got it past this week... and I know BBT is set to auto record all new episodes, so it should always record, as is House and Eureka (and when I remember to find it, The Riches).
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Re: arg

Postby cmplxty7 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 18:28:23

yes, that is it. The new stuff is in the door of the freezer.

I never wanted for you to just not want me to come. Maybe I felt as if you didn't appreciate what it takes to get the food & Jarin down to you in a timely manner. But I guess you feel the same way about me coming down there as I now do about you calling me at lunch.

Well, I am not sure about Daily Report being on tonight - they were showing the writer's strike on nightly news, and Jay Leno was out there with his writers because without them he doesn't have a show. I will try to find more online.

One of the silver screw things on your psp is really loose, and it was making me nervous when I moved the psp - so be careful when you pick it up.

what time is your lunch, btw?
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Re: arg

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 18:56:10

I had looked at the door... not sure how I missed it.

It is not me not wanting you to come, it is not wanting to hear you argue or vent how much of a problem it is the times I have asked you. As I have stated, you are not the only one who has to get Jarin ready and take him places, I am very aware of the time required to do so. I do not understand your last statement that you guess I feel the same way about you coming down there as you now do about calling at lunch.

So the strike is already in affect. How retarded, as if they did not make ass loads of money anyway. The entertainment industry gets more money than it deserves, however, that's my onion.

I am aware of the screw thing. It gets loose. It was an accessory that I bought to protect it, as it is not meant to be grabbed by the protection thing. My lunch is at 2200.
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Re: arg

Postby madd74 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 19:35:02

ug, AS USUAL, I mean 2000 :sigh:

just not my day
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Re: arg

Postby cmplxty7 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 19:43:26

I knew you meant 8:00.

*currently being completely amused by BBT :biggrin:
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