THIS weekend

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THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Thu Oct 04, 2007 12:09:21

What are your plans this weekend?
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby Mair » Thu Oct 04, 2007 14:05:27

Aside from that...Saturday morning we have to go get Dave's driver's license renewed and take some jeans back to Kohls and get some cards from Factory Card Outlet and go to the mall to get our wedding rings inspected (Every 6 months so that if a diamond gets lost they replace it for free) and then my cousin is having a b-day party for her daughter from 1-3 that i'm going to. Just my personal opinion, but I don't think a kid HAS to have a birthday every year. I think that spoils them. I wouldn't normally go, but this is her 4th birthday and the first party I've been able to attend. So I'm going anyways.
Then Sunday we'll go to church and then veg out Sunday afternoon and then back to church for our small group Sunday night. Other than that...nothing else planned
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Thu Oct 04, 2007 18:06:27

that doesn't sound like relaxing :p

I don't think LITTLE kids need big parties.

I think that once gets understand birthdays and what they are, they should have them, even if just a get together with the family.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby Mair » Thu Oct 04, 2007 18:41:22

I just think that if a kid gets a big party every year then they grow up expecting it and being ungrateful. I see this attitude already being displayed in my cousin's child.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Thu Oct 04, 2007 19:11:54

well yeah, that's too much, I am talking about having a dinner with family, which is what my family does.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby Mair » Thu Oct 04, 2007 20:08:55

I think that's a good idea. That's what we do, too. Well for my parents anyways. For me, I just like to spend the day with my husband and that's it. We go to dinner together just the 2 of us.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:12:41

I haven't done AS much for my birthday since I have gotten older. . .
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby Mair » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:23:49

For my birthday, if I'm by myself (a weekday Dave has to work) I do whatever the heck I want. Two years ago, I helped myself to Mcdonalds for breakfast and came home and planted my butt right on the floor in front of the tv. I had just gotten a new car a few days before that so after I relaxed awhile I drove myself around enjoying the new ride. I bought myself lunch at LJS (My favorite) and went shopping. Then Dave came home from work early and took me to dinner at Outback (our b-day dinner date EVERY year). (and I can also assure you I wasn't the least bit hungry, but I found room)
Last year, I just hung out in my new house all day watching movies (I watched Molly with Elizabeth Shue) and eating chips with Roberts Sassy Salsa. Dave came home for lunch and brought me flowers, a bday cake and then when he got home from work he gave me gobs of gifts (a photo printer, 2 seasons of Frasier and some B&BW stuff) and then took me to dinner at outback. I can't wait for this year as it's on a Saturday and he'll be able to be home with me all day. YAY!!!
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Fri Oct 05, 2007 20:23:51

oh you really go out!

I usually stay in, will bake cookies the night before and share them :p

of course I ahve been in school for a while. . .
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby Mair » Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:13:32

Oh gosh. Yes I go all out. But I really don't do anything special. It's just the only day of the year when it's all about me, and I make it ALL about me. I'm usually pretty selfish on that day (always have been), but at the same time...I make a big deal for other people's birthdays as well. I give them the same treatment on their days that I want on mine. But seriously, as long as my Grandma sends me a card (she always does) and my parents come see me (they usually only stay less than a half hour) and I get my time with my husband, that's all that matters. I don't need the world making a fuss over me. I enjoy the day.
Sounds like you enjoy your b-day, too. When is it?
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:18:44

I might start taking your attitude about MY birthday!

it's the same day as Celine Dions.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby Mair » Sun Oct 07, 2007 13:27:39

3-30-68??? HaHa. Just joking
That's the day after my nieces b-day only she was born in '02

Anyway...I think it's definitely a MUST to have MY attitude about your own b-day.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Sun Oct 07, 2007 15:00:48

I guess I have NEVER had a "my" attitude about things in life, I kind of did on my wedding day.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby Mair » Sun Oct 07, 2007 15:02:22

I would hope so. Your wedding day is even more important than your birthday because that only comes around once a lifetime versus once a year (hopefully anyway)

Unfortunately, I didn't get a traditional wedding today. 5 years later...I'm still completely heart-broken.
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Re: THIS weekend

Postby sewcute » Sun Oct 07, 2007 15:02:52

why didn't you? it's not like you couldn't have one anyways!
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