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Postby madd74 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:50:29

cmplxty7 wrote:Dog Poo has been cleaned, though the porch will still need sprayed. I fed Ghaleon around 6am...if you could feed him again around lunch it would be great.

I keep forgetting to ask you if Jarin has pooped.(?) If he is constipated that would explain him being so upset, too. I just know he did not poop Sunday.
But you are the one who gets it every day in the mornings, so I do not know. Has he pooped regularly, or at least recently?

Also, I left the window open for you to enter that contest if you want.

Have a good day - will talk to you at lunch - LOVE YOU!

Yeah I thought I was dreaming or something when I looked out and saw that. Jarin has pooped plenty for me, some times twice a day. It appears regular. Thanks for the window, unfortunately the state I can select does not include Iowa. Love you.
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Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 17:18:09

I am glad you were pleased about the dog poo. And I am pleased to hear about Jarin poo. Sorry about the contest - I see now that it is ONLY for Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. That is a bunch of poo!

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Re: message

Postby madd74 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 17:51:34

yeah, it is, oh well... thanks again for the cleaning of the other poo
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Re: message

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 18:02:38

ok to delete Eureka when done watching?
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Re: message

Postby madd74 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 18:17:17

yeah, I watched and enjoyed it much... happy that Carter had the little chat with Henry, will say more when you see it
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Re: message

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 20:42:19

which little chat? The one right at the very end?
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Re: message

Postby madd74 » Fri Aug 17, 2007 14:45:21

the one where Carter had the dream shared with the mind erasing, and Carter asked about it, and Henry lied about it, because Henry blames Carter for stopping Henry from saving Kim
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Re: message

Postby cmplxty7 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 15:14:41

I forgot to buy batteries :/ But I got diapers, baby food, milk, oj, cereal (not sure if it's the right kind), and these yummy tortilla shells - sundried tomato & basil. Nothing to put in them yet.

I was trimming Jarin's nails & I nicked his finger - felt so bad and cried a little. Even though he only wailed once. It is fine now, but I do not want to trim the other hand you might have to do that tomorrow :/
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Re: message

Postby cmplxty7 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 15:37:40

also, I caught Jarin on video for you doing his pbbbt thing :)
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Re: message

Postby madd74 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 15:46:01

cmplxty7 wrote:also, I caught Jarin on video for you doing his pbbbt thing :)

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Re: message

Postby cmplxty7 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 17:01:03

you know - the thing he's been doing lately that you were trying to get on video, but then he quit doing it. I know you know what I am talking about - I just don't know how to better explain what it is...

I also bought 2 bags of beef jerky on my way through checkout (forgot that earlier) - but I have eaten a bag now, so it is just one bag :)
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Re: message

Postby madd74 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 17:19:30

you pig :p

okay, so YOU recorded it... if you check your english, not the best in the world :D

um, was thinking, maybe tomorrow would be a good time to see if your parents wanted to watch Jarin for a little bit, or maybe someone else, for it seems that you are going to the fair the same time around when Myles is off and we are wanting to go. let me know if you think this is a good idea, and if it might work. calling and asking Valerie would be the other option if she is around, in which case, if you know your parents are busy or the like, you could give her a call and verify. thanks
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Re: message

Postby cmplxty7 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 18:03:09

whatever - my english is PERFECT!!!!! :lol:

yes - I was already thinking of seeing if my mom wanted to watch Jarin. But then I was also thinking that I am not sure if I want to go totally alone, and he would at least be somebody with me. We'll see. I am not sure.

I so wish you had a M-F day job. Or even just a regular schedule with the same days off. Except I know you would hate a day job, and I wouldn't want you to be miserable. It just really, really sucks working around your schedule trying to squeeze stuff in more than what you already do all the time. Another conversation for another thread, though. I will probably see if my mom wants to watch him tomorrow.
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Re: message

Postby madd74 » Sat Aug 18, 2007 18:15:03

whatever, reread what you said, goof. well, I was under the impression you wanted to go by yourself. obviously, if you want to go with Jarin, then go for it. whatever works out better for you.

I actually would enjoy a M-F job also, just because I could predict things better. the only advantage of what I have now, is the possibility to trade days with other people, for if we all were m-f, then no one would ever have a m-f off. as it stands now, this is not the case. it is not that i would hate one as much as I have problems getting up that early. of course now, that has changed, as now I do not have the issues of getting up early as I use to. the way I see it, by the time he is ready to go to school, I either will have a new job because this one will no longer exist, or I will have enough senority to get earlier hours, so I can work closer to Jarin being in school... so I really hope...
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