Reminders and TO-DO

Jen and Madd only forum

Reminders and TO-DO

Postby madd74 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 13:34:00

As we both are rather piss poor at keeping up with things (see last time Board of Miscommunication was updated), I wanted to start a thread of things "todo". Dog things, house things, preparing for things, food doing things, cleaning things, car things, planing, partying, you name it. Also, I feel this is a good thread to post things that have been done. Dishes, laundry, baby washing, stuff like that. My goal, and hope, is that this will make the both of us not only more productive, but also more motivated. I ask (of us both), that we leave any for of "hostile" comments and the like away from this thread, as it will add against the purpose of me making this. Also, you can edit your own posts in here. If something gets done by you, or even me, feel free to use:
Code: Select all
[strike]apologize to dog for throwing it against a tree[/strike]
I am kind of exicted about this, as I otherwise have been checking my forums first thing. Also note, I am not assigning who should be doing what, even if some things might be a given, like "clean dog" or "arrange video game systems and place games up". I am actually really excited about this, even though I have not made the "strike" code yet :D
I will have something here... at some point...
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Re: Reminders and TO-DO

Postby cmplxty7 » Sat Oct 20, 2007 20:15:17

reminder to cuddle me!!! :D
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Re: Reminders and TO-DO

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Dec 18, 2007 20:00:26

I would like to refresh the cuddle me reminder. :)

Also, the dining room table is beautifully clean - please sort through your box of mail. There are some things in there I thought looked important, and others not so much, but you need to go through it all and place them accordingly. I thank you in advance. (please keep all papers regarding windows, as I will be looking into credit/rebate/whatever with MidAmerican)

If you could maybe get the table moved into the dining/living room I would greatly appreciate it. Then I can finish cleaning up in there & put the round table back in there for now. I put Jarin's high chair in there, too.
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