wake up and chat!

Like, yeah, for real man! This is the TOTALLY random chat for those who like to totally random their thoughts in six words or less! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use http://madd74.com/chat/ for as opposed to "IM" through posts.

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This forum is for extremely random chat. Be warned that posting in here means people may go off topic! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use http://madd74.com/chat/ as opposed to "IM"ing through posts.

Re: wake up and chat!

Postby sewcute » Tue Sep 18, 2007 18:01:47

cmplxty7 wrote:you know, we really don't use a nickname for him...is that weird? We call him by name, or baby boy, or stink-pot or poopy-butt or crabby-pants :-P depending on the situation...

but I am fine with other people calling him by a nickname :)

I am sure you will get one as he gets older.
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Re: wake up and chat!

Postby madd74 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 17:39:40

Mair wrote:Well I'm glad to hear you don't disapprove. Madd seems to be ok with it for he never corrects me.

Aye, I have no problems with any names I have heard him called.
sewcute wrote:
cmplxty7 wrote:you know, we really don't use a nickname for him...is that weird? We call him by name, or baby boy, or stink-pot or poopy-butt or crabby-pants :-P depending on the situation...

but I am fine with other people calling him by a nickname :)

I am sure you will get one as he gets older.

Oh, I know he will.
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Re: Re:

Postby ditzwill » Tue Oct 23, 2007 15:35:54

madd74 wrote:
ditzwill wrote:I think I may continue to call him Q. It's just such an apt name for the offspring of Madd. 8)
oh dear heavens no... last thing I want is a child with unlimited powers... :sigh:
hehehe lol Oh that would be funny to watch you run around after an omnipotent Jarin. 8)
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Re: wake up and chat!

Postby madd74 » Tue Oct 30, 2007 17:45:44

Um, yeah, well, if that was the case, at least I would not have to worry about feeding him anymore... he could take care of it himself :D

it is something I would not look forward to... all my cords being blinked into his room while I sleep so he could grab them all and yank on them from his crib...
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Re: wake up and chat!

Postby ditzwill » Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:19:15

madd74 wrote:Um, yeah, well, if that was the case, at least I would not have to worry about feeding him anymore... he could take care of it himself :D

it is something I would not look forward to... all my cords being blinked into his room while I sleep so he could grab them all and yank on them from his crib...

hehehe lol. That's just funny to think about. :)
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Re: wake up and chat!

Postby madd74 » Wed Nov 07, 2007 16:20:34

funny until he does not get his way and turns you into a source of food to munch on :/
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