Totally Random, Totally!

Like, yeah, for real man! This is the TOTALLY random chat for those who like to totally random their thoughts in six words or less! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use for as opposed to "IM" through posts.

Moderator: ditzwill

Forum rules
This forum is for extremely random chat. Be warned that posting in here means people may go off topic! Please keep i mind, it would be prefered you use as opposed to "IM"ing through posts.

Totally Random, Totally!

Postby madd74 » Sat Oct 06, 2007 15:38:26

I have noticed a lot of absolutely randomness, to the point of being short, quick, and done. Please do that type of chatting here, thanks! You can be as absolutely random as you wish. Please keep in mind, for those of you who do not like the random chitchat, STAY OUT OF THIS FORUM AND DON'T COMPLAIN!!

Thank you!
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Re: Totally Random, Totally!

Postby monkeybone » Mon Oct 08, 2007 0:38:19

dude! how totally brilliant of you!

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Os de Singe
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