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xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 16:44:07
by madd74
Okay, so I had a problem earlier today getting logged in. I would go to "download game", and when I did, I got an xbox live connect error, which tells me it is not FFXI. In fact, I was able to log in and play a little on my laptop. If you wish, you can check into your account by logging in on the laptop. I suggest that before you start it up, that you plug in the USB keyboard as moving and things with the laptop built in board is difficult. The controller I have is not yet configured, however I will end up doing so later.
If you wish, I can also install on your laptop, or you can use the FFXI on the computer upstairs. You move with the num keys, using
5 changes the view from third to first and back, then you press the * to rest, and the - and + are for your menu
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 17:18:21
by cmplxty7
so, pretty much you are telling me that X-box is fucked.

I am not as apt with a keyboard. I know it would just take getting used to, but I am not going to ever be good at it. Tetris on the computer? I suck! Not sure why that is. Oh well. SO - is it on their end, you think, with the server? Is it going to make it worse if I keep trying?
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 17:39:26
by madd74
I think it is a Microsoft problem, as if it was Square, I would not have been able to log in with the laptop. The nice thing about keyboard, is you can CTRL-A to attack target, CTRL-C to check target, CTRL-I for items, CTRL-M for magic.
If it is still not working tomorrow, I am going to call Microsoft and find out what the deal is. You should check every now and then by attempting to go to the games, then download, new release, and see if you get through or get an error. If you finally get through and see new games to DL, then the service is working again.
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 17:53:17
by cmplxty7
well can't I just keep trying to log into FF? That way if it goes through I can play

ugh - supposed to storm bad again tonight...I guess I should prepare for the disappointment of possibly losing power.
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 18:12:43
by madd74
you could, yes, I would just think doing the other is faster.
at least if power goes out, you will have internet for a few, since both modem and router are plugged into a backup gen... not sure how long it lasts
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 18:38:48
by cmplxty7
haha - I never knew that. that is awesome. Not just because I am an addict...but because then I can check weather status when I can't see it on tv.
I will be trying xbox again soon - have to feed Jarin and get him ready for bed first. Will let you know status of both in a while

Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 18:45:12
by madd74
sure, anytime you notice it back up, let me know
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 19:48:58
by cmplxty7
still haven't been on xbox - Jarin STILL up. he ate a WHOLE JAR of bananas! really needs to go to sleep, but fighting it.
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 19:56:48
by madd74
we have no bananas... we have no bananas today
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 20:47:26
by cmplxty7
hmm - there may be hope? I am currently downloading a trailer for a new katamari game (in HD!) over 20% complete so far. I will give it a chance to finish that, then will go see if I can get logged into FF. Over 40% now. So far so good. Wow, this is slow. ok - well, it's over 60% now so I will put lappy away for a few and post after I try FF.
Re: xbox service

Wed Aug 08, 2007 22:16:37
by madd74
k, well, then you are further then I have been...