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Friday wrapup and more

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 14:13:56
by madd74
Jarin would not have cried at all if his mother was not so much a pussy :p

Okay, so when I left for work, i left a folder that has a bunch of papers in it. The importance I get this information is high, so please get me the info as fast as possible whenever you get home. There are a bunch of things in there, including two pin codes and a customer number. The pin code starts with 69, and the other one is for my debit card that I do not yet have. I do not require that one, just the 69 one. Also, the welcome letter has my customer code or whatever it is called. It looks like a regular welcome letter (I think two or three look similar). The code is a 7+ digit number, on the upper right of the page. Please TXT that pin and code to me, or I will not get my account setup in time, possibly, meaning Discover may otherwise not get a payment on time. Damn this Netbank takeover from ING. It is starting to look just like the Ing in Metroid, taking things over. Nice name choice.

So, Christmas is Tuesday, we have a things we are doing tomorrow, hopefully you have things you can do today. I might remind you that it is the Starlight Fest, and already Peetave has been visited with two gifts, so you might want to check around. FFXIclopedia should have info on this also. So since I know you are not a cleaning freak anyway, some of your down time you might wanna check it out :D

I left a burger from QT out, please put in fridge, thank you. I love you, even given our history together of crabbiness. I was raeding some of my old posts on my phone as I was dropping kids off this morning before bed. So I thought I would let you know, that I do love you, and sorry you are a fucking bitch whore who will not let me fuck 17 chicks at the same time I do not tell you more :D

Re: Friday wrapup and more

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 18:19:59
by cmplxty7
well I just got home a little bit ago. your folder is right here next to me - let me look at it while looking at what you wrote to be sure I am giving you the correct #'s....


ummm - do not see any page with an acct number top right, but let me see if I can find anything that looks like it would be it...

it was hiding behind another page (I didn't realize there were 2)


I will text these to you now.