chicken GOOD

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chicken GOOD

Postby madd74 » Tue Dec 18, 2007 17:03:12

I am not sure where her card is, and I apologizing for forgetting the socks for Jarin today. Your food ate rather decent reheated in the micro. If you find it, please set it out so I can take it to her on Friday, thanks.
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Re: chicken GOOD

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Dec 18, 2007 17:26:31

oops - I also apologize, because apparently I HAD already put it in the diaper bag. Sorry! HAHA it was with her the whole time!

I am glad you liked your chicken. We should buy more like that - easy to make!
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Re: chicken GOOD

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Dec 18, 2007 17:36:27

so I just found out that my mom had her gal-bladder taken out today! Nice, huh? Apparently my sister even asked my mom if I knew & she said yes. I knew she was going to be getting it take out (hence the stress test & angiogram)...but Norma said they didn't schedule her in until yesterday - and I haven't talked to her since Sunday, so how could I have known?!! Geesh! So I am waiting for Norma to call me & tell me how it went.

I am having some of your mt dew to get me going for cleaning! :D
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Re: chicken GOOD

Postby madd74 » Tue Dec 18, 2007 17:54:42

You can drink every single can of Dew I have, including all in Des Moines, if it means my house is going to be cleaned.

Well, it would seem things went well, as you have not gotten any calls and it had been removed. I do hope everything is going well then.

So, is it still in there or did she get it?
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Re: chicken GOOD

Postby cmplxty7 » Tue Dec 18, 2007 20:18:52

well, as I mentioned in the other thread, the table has been completely cleaned off. I have all your stuff you need to sort through in a box. I sorted through my stuff, put what I want to keep for now in a box, have things I need to call on ready to go to work with me, and even found that credit card that I got - it was in an unmarked envelope so I had never opened it!

Moved Jarin's high chair into the dining room - that floor is much easier to clean in there! The dishes are washing now - I will most likely still be up to unload them a bit later. Could you maybe do something with all the baby stuff on the left side of the sink?
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