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PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 15:49:25
by madd74
Spark and I am doing Christmas tomorrow, meaning that I will end up going to Wal-Mart anyway to get something for him. As this is the case, I will be going to Wal-Mart after work. So you do not have to inconvience your time to get Jarin ready and go out just to get a tree stand, I can do that for you, and if you have anything else you want me to pick up I can do that also. Any list of actual stuff please send to my cell phone so that I have it on me and do not forget it. Thank ya much.

On a side note, the roads are in bad condition. I say this because they are way more slick than they appear. I was sliding in spots that snow was not even there. I would have hit a vehicle had he not paid attention to me honking my horn as I slide through. Thank you God for watching out over me.

Re: Wal-mart

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 16:07:10
by cmplxty7
well, a tree stand is not all I was going to get. I was going to look at more Christmas decorations, get Jarin more finger food things to eat, get Morgan's (Wendy) birthday present, and whatever other various things I've been wanting (curtains?).

I am not sure why you are going after work, as opposed to tomorrow, especially considering how bad you now know the roads are (which I already knew from going out this morning - it was bad then, and I had a tough time in my car, which is why I had hoped you would want to go to wal mart before work so we could take your car).

Glad you made it safely.