When it rains, people die

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When it rains, people die

Postby madd74 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 17:04:59

Wow I am demanding today :D Hey, when you are walking abotu and such, if you happen to run across the hard drive you got me. I am not exactly sure where it went. I know where the two other ones are (one plugged into PS3, the other on under the TV). I know I had it around the couch at some point, because I brought it down from upstairs to work on burning a CD. I am not sure if it got buried on the coffee table. it could be hiding in my corner of the room, of which I am going to go through soon to clean things up a bit there. I get a little bit of cleaning here and there each day, minus my extended vacation :D I will do my best to not bother you anymore!
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Re: When it rains, people die

Postby cmplxty7 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 18:13:09

"I will do my best not to bother you anymore!"

Please bother me! By all means! I look forward to hearing from you. I will look around for the hard drive. It was the one that was upstairs on the floor by the computer? Are you talking about the maxtor thing or whatever that I got you a while back? I will keep an eye for it...
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Re: When it rains, people die

Postby madd74 » Wed Dec 12, 2007 19:52:48

Aye and aye, and I said that well knowing your response in advance :p

Yeah, had the white flashing light when plugged in, bothered you. If you find it would be great as I want to finish my CD.
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