mom call

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mom call

Postby madd74 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 17:56:51

I called my mom. It turns out that a Cub Scout group is going to be passing by and want a yard to crash in. Since no house access is required (meaning you and I could both be gone), I said it was okay if they pitched tent up in the yard. I will have to make sure the grass is mowed prior to them showing up, and will most likely clean up the yard a little.

They are heading to MN some time July 6th.
They are heading back some time July 19th.

If there is any reason you feel this would not work, please let me know as I am going to confirm with her tomorrow if for any reason it will not work.
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Re: mom call

Postby cmplxty7 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 18:18:31

I do not see why this would be a problem - it's your long as you have it mowed & picked up for them. How will they not need restrooms? What about bad weather? I will help you clean up back there some for them & will help host (whatever that means in this situation). Probably need to pick the house up just in case, too.

In short - I would love to help out a cub scout group however possible :) They must be going up to boundary waters or something?
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Re: mom call

Postby madd74 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 18:26:53

Well, at this point, I could not think of a reason at all it would not work out, however, I have a tendancy to "overlook" things, especially with my brain not 100% in tune as I would like. We may not be together, however you currently live in the house also, so, I feel it is important to ensure you are aware and have no issues. It could be your mom living with me getting some lovin' and I would tell her also since she lived there ;)

Um, they are CUB SCOUTS. They get extra points with bad weather and bathroom alterations :D

You can pick up the house, but at this point, I honestly am not looking to have a bunch of people in the house. However, what I will most likely do is have the three season cleaned up a bit and unlocked, JUST in case, so they have a little place there.
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