cmplxty7 wrote:hmm - I will try to think of what it may have been. You traded me two 10's for a 20 when we went to eat...but I do not immediately recall you buying anything with cash...let me think on it a while, though. Since Wednesday...hmmm... Did we go anywhere Friday night? We went to breakfast Saturday. OH - I know!!! SANTA PICTURES! Because they did not take discover! See - I told you I would think of it!!!
(I spent about 10 minutes on this post)
cmplxty7 wrote:hmm - I will try to think of what it may have been. You traded me two 10's for a 20 when we went to eat...but I do not immediately recall you buying anything with cash...let me think on it a while, though. Since Wednesday...hmmm... Did we go anywhere Friday night? We went to breakfast Saturday. OH - I know!!! SANTA PICTURES! Because they did not take discover! See - I told you I would think of it!!!
(I spent about 10 minutes on this post)
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