Update 060731 - Start Week 10

This forum is dedicated for my expecting child. This forum is incorperated into the little one's website, http://madd74.com/littlex. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments!

Moderator: cmplxty7

Update 060731 - Start Week 10

Postby madd74 » Mon Jul 31, 2006 19:52:46

Well, here we start WEEK 10. Anyone who has gone to the site, can see that there have been major changes to the site. I have iframed my forum into the site. Also, since Jen thought the original picture was scary looking, so I replaced it with a MUCH MORE PLEASENT ONE :D

Or little X is now considered a fetus! This week we plan to go in and hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time, Thursday morning around 0930 or so. Ug, the pain of getting up early. Guess I better start getting use to it!
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