M-Files is multimedia!

Here is where my files are stored for you to enjoy (like MP3 songs), whether it be a classic Spark and Madd Martin joint, or one of my own creations.

M-Files is multimedia!

Postby madd74 » Tue Feb 15, 2005 5:36:07

This forum is created for the sole purpose of me posting files to share with others. While it is not possible to create new posts, please realize that it is possible to reply to posts already created. Regular board rules apply, play nice. Also, do not post any replies for file requests, or post replies that are not some how related to the file you are posting about. Thank you.

DO NOT link directly to my files, nor take credit for any of these songs (unless you actually are responsible for them) on any web site. If you wish to link to the files, contact me and I will give you the code you may use to link to the posts. Anyone caught linking to the files directly will have their site provider contacted in violation of copy laws. It's not like any of what I provide is costing anyone anything, so just do not do it.

With the new board, I am able to stream many files now, so that you can "play" them straight from the site without the requirement to download!
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Master of Maddness
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Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:16:53
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