Pulse (or lack of)

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Pulse (or lack of)

Postby madd74 » Wed Sep 05, 2007 16:33:14

If I was a level one FFXI character and (/check) this movie as a monster in the field, it would come back as (Too Weak to be worthwhile). If I would have watched this in the theater with Myles, I would have told him that the Hulk was better. For whatever reason, I thought this movie was another type of movie. Well, i thought it was suppose to be rated R, not that a rated R movie is a great movie, however, it might have helped it out for people who wanted more of... anything. Some times, a movie type just needs to be R, and "horror" movies are one of them that generally do not work with a PG-13 or less rating. Of course, even an R may not have been able to save this.

Pulse is a movie about "ghosts in the machine". This has been done many times now, most notibly (but not necessarily great) is Stay Alive, about the game where you die in game you die in ilfe. This has ghosts who "communicate" via technology. Well, they failed to really pull this off. The acting is substandard (to be kind), and the cast could use some improvement. Best part of this movie?

Spoiler for Pulse (if that is possible):
At the end, when only the two appear left, they have to go off into "another world", one with no cell, computer, etc, because the ghosts will murder them, of which I wish they would have done. Stupid ghosts cannot do anything right.

I will say, with the say the ending was, if it spawns a sequal, with Lost in Space not getting one, I may send tactical nukes to destroy Hollywood, or will send an assassin to murder the president, as he should be to blame for everything else wrong in the US the past 7 years.

So avoid this movie, it is not worth the time. I am glad I watched it simply due to the fact that I can say I sacrificed myself to save the mentality of millions.
I will have something here... at some point...
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