Transformers 2 .... anyone?

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Transformers 2 .... anyone?

Postby PiperTheMad » Tue Sep 01, 2009 19:40:53

So, I really liked the first one. 2nd one, I liked but not as much. They had to take it more sci-fi which is fine, but it seems like that is what they avoided so much of in the first one.

I do like the soundtrack better with this one though.

Also the robot sucking up the pyramid.... now that was cool :evil: :twisted:
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Re: Transformers 2 .... anyone?

Postby sewcute » Wed Sep 02, 2009 16:45:11

I haven't seen either of them!
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Re: Transformers 2 .... anyone?

Postby madd74 » Sat Sep 05, 2009 18:08:18

I enjoyed it, and I agree. First one was better. I find that this was a lot of hype, and that is what they were working on. Now, one can argue that the "character developement" was alraedy done in the first one, however, as usual, I think there was too much hitting on attempted humor. There are times when a movie can go too far in putting in humorous events that otherwise are not really required for the movie to work. I mean, this is not The Big L, in any way, so, there is no need to see mini robots attempting to hump someone's leg. For while *I* might enjoy things like that, even I know there is a time and place for everything.
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