Lego Star Wars Complete (PS3)

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Lego Star Wars Complete (PS3)

Postby madd74 » Thu Dec 20, 2007 18:34:36

(please note, as of this time I have completed Episodes I
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Lego(r) Star Wars(tm): Complete (PS3) mystery version 2.00 4

Postby madd74 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 0:00:45

So, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a fun game and all, and I am on my way of rebeating it from when I lost all of my data. Well, today, the 9th, it ends up downloading a mysterious download. It is a version 2.00 and is 4908 KB download (almost 5 MB). However, after it downloads, I cannot tell for the life of me what it is. I already show 160 of 160 white canisters. I am working my way on the blue canisters, and I am also fine in the red block department. I did a search online for it, however all I get is places to actually buy the game.

So what in the world is it?? I was hoping some trophy support :D Maybe I should re=play the game for a THIRD time??

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Re: Lego Star Wars Complete (PS3)

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:31:43

Did you check the canteen to see if maybe there was new stuff you could buy?
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Re: Lego Star Wars Complete (PS3)

Postby madd74 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 23:18:02

Yeah and I did not notice anything. I was thinking maybe it was a trophy thing, but if that is the case, I am not sure if I would have to play yet again.
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